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Tanya Tako:

A mural by the artist Tanya Tako opens the street art tour of Nothing Terrible Festival. It is made up of three works. The first portrays a man with a dog. It represents relationships between people: love, friendship and much-underrated interaction between a human and all creatures great and small. The character is an elderly person for a reason: the artist criticizes a globally reigning cult of youth that pushes the elderly into the background - as if they are completely forgotten. 

The second part of the mural shows hands of different people. One person supports the other, while the other is holding a fragile flower in his or her hands.

And the third part features a sputnik, coming with verses by a poet Ekaterina Bykovskaya:

One man in the field is no warrior,

One man in the field is no traveler.

One is the Sputnik carrying

Three long, three short signals.

All the three parts are multilayered and multifaceted, so they strike a chord with everyone, but in different ways. The mural as a whole addresses themes of friendship, love, support, loneliness and finding your own way. 

Tanya Tako is an artist from Krasnodar. She started her artistic career in 2001. All her life is tied with visual art: she finished an arts school and graduated from an architectural university later. Tanya has created wall pictures since 2014. Her murals are gems of Russian and foreign cities - you can see them in Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Moscow, Veliky Novgorod, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Bor in Serbia and many other cities.

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Tanya Tako

Address :
M. Gorkogo St., 259

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